Rutgers New Start Career Network

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Job Information

Fairleigh Dickinson University Adjunct Faculty ESL Avanza a FDU in Teaneck, New Jersey

Job Summary:

Professor needed to teach ESL Levels I and II to high school students in a dual enrollment program at FDU . ESL classes are offered during the day for the Avanza a FDU program, in conjunction with bilingual academic courses.

• Candidate should be able to work with virtual classroom platforms such as Zoom.

• Candidate should understand how to implement interactive virtual classroom activities

based on the four fundamental skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing.

• Candidate should have some knowledge of online LMS (Learning Management System) and

be able to set up online lesson modules and assignments to complement virtual classroom


• Candidate should be willing to attend a few extra-curricular meetings, such as professional training, if needed.

• Candidate should have efficient organization skills to keep record of teaching material employed in each class session for reporting purposes.

Required Qualifications:

Bachelor’s degree required. Candidate should have 3 to 5 years relevant teaching experience. Preferred Bilingual Spanish/English skills.

Employment is contingent upon a satisfactory background check. Candidates for hire will be required to sign a waiver authorizing the background check and produce a Social Security Card.

Status: Full-Time

Campus: Metropolitan Campus, Teaneck, NJ

Hiring Manager: Maria Irene Oujo

Department: Academic Hispanic Programs-Metro
