Rutgers New Start Career Network

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New Start Career Network mobile logo

Job Information

NJ Employer Stable Attendant in Rexford, New York

Anticipated period of employment: 11/30/2024 to 09/30/2025

All applicants must have 3 months experience . Applicants must be able to furnish affirmative job references from recent employers.

The mares in Trade Winds Farms breeding program are seasonal breeders and enter into their breeding season in late winter/early spring. The gestation period for mares is 335 to 342 days. Breeding these horses is done usually starting in early February for barren mares and as soon as possible for mares that foal. The gestation period for these horses is about 11 months, so a horse bred in early February is expected to deliver early in the following new year. The activities include all of the necessary work in preparing a pregnant mare to deliver early in the new year, dealing with the mare and new foal after birth, and preparing the mare to be bred back again. During December and through June activities are focused on the pregnant mare and preparing for her to give birth, and dealing with the newborn foal and the mare, then getting the mare back to the breeding shed, then supporting the mare and her foal for those first critical months. Foals are typically weaned about 6 months after birth. See ETA 790/790A for a complete job description.

Only workers meeting all qualifications on the job order should be referred by the Job Service Office. Interested candidates must contact their local employment office to receive a copy of the job order (ETA 790/790A) and applicable attachments. Once the applicant has a copy of the job contract they may call and/or email the employer to schedule an interview Monday- Friday from 9am to 5pm and referred to NY1511716 as the JO is in connection with this NJ number.

See AOSOS comment section before making any referrals.
