Job Information
Tunnel Vision Farm General Farm Laborer in Reading, Pennsylvania
This is a Temporary Position. Dates of employment are 5/12/2025 to 10/17/2025. To apply: click on "I want to apply" and Employer will communicate the hiring decision directly to the applicant at the phone number, address, or email address applicant provides. Employer advises all applicants to maintain communication with the referring SWA office: Order Holding Office: PA Career Link: https://www.pacareerlink.pa.gov/ https://www.careerlinkberks.com/ PA CareerLink Berks County 1920 Kutztown Road, Suite F Reading, PA 19604 (610) 988-1300. Resumes and/or applications can also be faxed to Ashley Shollenberger at 610-988-1382. Be sure to reference the job posting number on your resume/application.
Picking strawberries, sugar peas, hull peas, and sweet corn. Install, repair, and retrieve header and irrigation lines. Repair fence, use weed eater to mow weeds around fence and high tunnels. Assemble cardboard shipping containers. Clean and sweep packing areas. Assemble high tunnels. Pull plastic onto and off high tunnels. Sweep high tunnel floors. Pound in tomato stakes and pull out tomato stakes. Manually push up plastic to ventilate high tunnels. Load and unload delivery trucks. Load and unload farm trucks. Clean mud off squash washer. Stack pallets and fold used bins. Repair wooden bins. Sweep floors in equipment sheds. Picking pumpkins, tomatoes, cucumbers- loading & unloading wagons. Packing tomatoes and cucumbers. Tying up tomatoes and cucumbers. Weeding tomatoes, strawberries. Lifting and wrapping plastic mulch. Suckering tomatoes and cucumbers. Operating tractors for mowing, staking tomatoes and picking tomatoes.