Rutgers New Start Career Network

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Job Information

Unika, Inc Marine Vessel Electrical Engineer (Cable Pulling) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Marine Vessel Electrical Engineer (Cable Pulling) in Philadelphia, PA. Duties incl: Study marine vessel electrical construction project plans/blueprints & prep daily work plans based on type of project, current project's progress, & project timeline; Assign cable pulling & cable cutting tasks to team members based on the project plan, equip specs, & lengths betw electrical systems on the marine vessel; Monitor the performance of computing detailed calculations for lengths betw electrical systems prior to cable cutting; Oversee individual performance of cable pulling as well as team coordination to ensure conformity w/standards of safety & efficiency; Operate engrg software/electrical equip to perform cable pulling tasks; Eval performance of subordinate team members & adjust task assignments if needed; Prep & review daily reports to make adjustments to daily work plans as needed. An Assoc Deg in Electrical Engrg + 2 yrs exp in marine vessel / container ship electrical engrg is req'd. If applicant's Assoc deg is not reltd to this job title, 48 mnths of exp is req'd. Send resume to Unika, Inc. 2100 Kitty Hawk Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19112
